
wake up.

was chatting with a friend a few minutes ago. and we got to talking about all the bullshit in society today. societal "standards." global issues. religious wars. racism. violence. perpetual behaviours. delusions of grandeur. homogeneity. les fausses personnes. contentedness. laziness. small-mindedness. i could go on for ages. suffice it to say, look around you. take a long hard look. life is too short to deal with bullshit. wake up [peep the clip].


court cobain said...

This is a great film. I was talking to someone about it the other day because they never saw it. Maybe I'll turn watching it into a conscious date.

vstar* said...

aaah, a conscious date... nice. good film to watch + discuss.

court cobain said...

"She's Got To Have It" is another good film to watch with someone.. and also a good discussion film.

vstar* said...

you know... i think that's like the only spike lee joint i've never seen. shameful!

court cobain said...

It's a really good movie. Its interesting to see the woman's side of view when she wants more than one option in men.. To say I watched that flick with a ho, as bad as I sound I know! It is what it is though. I guess she was trying to hide behind the film, to justify her ho-ish actions. Too bad she's not as put together as Nola Darling.

vstar* said...

aaah. nice. well, i don't know any hoes, per se... so i'll watch it by my lonesome. lol. to get a hoe's insight.

vstar* said...

oh... i spelled ho wrong. is it ho or hoe? LOL. i think one is a garden tool.

court cobain said...

Yeah lol.. hoe is the garden tool.