the transformer, by prada, is a temporary, futuristic, shape-altering structure in seoul, south korea, built by architect rem koolhaas. what's amazing about the structure is that it has the capabilities to change its appearance, and will do so for the last time in september. the inside of the transformer, naturally (as it was commissioned by miuccia prada herself), has been used as a place where art meets fashion. it opened with a fashion exhibition, transformed into a cinema house, and in september will embark upon its final transformation as a gallery for contemporary art. how amazing. it is prada's hope that this construction may one day end up in milan. i really want to see this wondrous and artful piece of architecture before it sees its demise in october. i think once i'm in tokyo, i might have to make the short trip to seoul to check it out. to see/read more, check out this feature.
You are so Kanyein it right now. lol
kanye is vstar'n it.
lol @ vstar'n it. I like Kanyein it better though. Just rolls off the tongue better. no offense though cause it's all you man. All you.
not on my tongue it doesn't.
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