
happy birthday Dr. L. Ramona Howard. you've taught and inspired me so much. i'll forever miss you. rip.


Gwen McClain said...

I cannot believe it. After searching for over a score, I found only three references to this dear being and that she has gone on.

She was so instrumental in my adult commitment to God in th 70's. Her singing and teaching was life transforming. I had always hoped to see her again in this life. Thank God I believe in our hereafter.

Thank you Vstar for this posting.

sweetsoul said...

Would like more info on her passing I was one of her students at Morgan State U.... Email me with any details you may have if any....
Donnamaria27@gmail. com

Carolyn said...

So Glad to know there are others out there who loved and cared about Dr. L. Ramona Howard. If she said you could take it to the Bank. My name is Carolyn Martin-Pettaway and I belong to the Cathedral of Fresh Fire, Inc This was Dr. Howards Home church where she was one of the 5 daughters that help to build this wonderful Ministry. I knew Doc as we affectionetly called her; when she taught at Morgan State College and after she left there. Doc continued to be who she was, a builder of Men and Women every where she went. Ministry is what she reamind loyal to. Please contact me if you would like a copy of her Obituary by emailing carolyn.martin538@gmail.com Today marks the 3rd year of her passing. I for one will never forget all that she taught me and still teaches me today and everyday. It will forever resignate in my heart.

Elder Carolyn Martin-Pettaway
Cathedral of Fresh Fire,Inc.