america, over the years, has been known as the 'land of opportunity.' millions of people have flocked to the country with hopes to better themselves and create lives for their families. but what if, in the future, this changes? what would happen if this was no longer the case? if people stopped coming to america and headed for other opportunistic places? what's more, what if americans started migrating to other places? this thinking came about upon reading a recent
article in the new york times that talked about a number of americans moving to china due to its rising job market and cheaper cost of living. according to the article, even people with no knowledge of chinese culture and/or language are making the move, and they are blossoming! could america lose its 'land of opportunity' moniker? could english fizzle as the world's 'primary language'? only time will tell. but i have a feeling we'll be seeing these types of migrations a lot in the coming days... as people are slowly becoming disillusioned by the american dream.